Travis Gere, Heather Gere, and Loren Hudson, of campersApp
launchvt 2017 finalist
Describe your business.
campersAPP makes it possible for campgrounds to create a custom experience app, in minutes. When campers visit a campground on the network, they are given a login key that unlocks a unique experience. campersAPP enabled campgrounds can use the app to expand services, generate new revenue, and interact with campers in new and exciting ways.
Tell us about your team - why are you the right people for this venture?
We (Travis and Heather Gere, co-founders of campersAPP) met as teenagers while Travis was camping in Vermont with family. Camping has always been a big part of our lives since this first interaction and we have camped all over New England with our two children and three dogs. We spent our professional careers working in higher education. I (Heather) focused on creative pursuits in graphic design and video production while Travis pursed a career as a full-stack developer. Given our areas of focus, we were well suited to develop the technical and visual components of campersAPP. In addition, our love of camping gave us the insight, experience, and passion to cater this app to the specific needs of the camping industry. Lawrence Hudson (Loren) joined the campersAPP team as the COO in 2016. With a MBA in Business Administration and over 15-years-experience as a systems architect, Loren’s charismatic personality and ability to grow networks compliments the campersAPP team.
Why Vermont?
Vermont has done a tremendous job protecting their natural resources and ensuring the future of Vermont remains beautiful. We believe their strategy aligns with the goals of many campground owners. Fresh air and green mountains are key ingredients to a relaxing camping excursion and are often the first vision campers think of. We couldn’t imagine a better state to launch our startup. In addition, the campersAPP founders are 4th generation Vermonters. Vermont is home.
Why Should you win LaunchVT?
Our team has a strong work ethic, an intuition for the market, and are committed to pushing the camping industry forward. We have spent the last five months traveling all over the US to share this new technology with campgrounds and connect with industry leaders. Since introducing campersAPP to the industry in November, our network has grown to over 60 campgrounds nationwide with new parks joining each week. The excitement cannot be contained.
campersAPP promotes the outdoor hospitality industry as well as local businesses and Vermont tourism. As campersAPP grows, our strategic plan will call for sales professionals, customer service professionals, graphic artists, software developers, and many more work from home positions that are ideal for Vermont professionals looking for workplace flexibility and work life balance. We look forward to growing our business in the green mountain state and helping campgrounds engage with their next generation of campers.